

Thursday, 13 June 2024




Set out below is a summary of the decisions taken at the Executive meeting held on Thursday, 13 June 2024.  The wording used does not necessarily reflect the actual wording that will appear in the minutes.


Members are reminded that, should they wish to call in a decision, notice must be given to Democratic Services no later than 4pm Thursday 20 June 2024.


If you have any queries about any matters referred to in this decision sheet please contact RobertFlintoft.



5.               Re-Procurement of Sexual Health and Contraception Services – Approval required to enter into interim service contract arrangements for up to 12 months.




                   i.        Approved a 6 month + 6-month variation and extension to the existing Integrated Sexual Health Services contract with York and Scarborough NHS Hospitals Trust from 1st July 2024 and 1st January 2025 and to delegate to the Director of Public Health (in consultation with the Head of Procurement and the Director of Governance or their delegated officers) the authority to take such steps as are necessary to agree, award and enter the resulting variation and extension agreement;

                  ii.        Approved the proposed staged approach in relation to service changes to the Integrated Sexual Health Services contract as set out in this report at paragraph 5 and to delegate to the Director of Public Health (in consultation with the Head of Procurement and the Director of Governance or their delegated officers) the authority to take such steps as are necessary to conduct review, consultation and negotiations and subsequent authority to agree and entre into any resulting variation agreement(s) agreed;

                 iii.        Approved the award (subject to the satisfactory conclusion of any related procurement processes) of a 6 month + 6 month contract from 1st July 2024 and 1st January 2025 for a LARC Service contract to Nimbuscare Limited and to delegate to the Director of Public Health (in consultation with the Head of Procurement and the Director of Governance or their delegated officers) the authority to take such steps as are necessary to agree, award and enter any resulting agreement;

                iv.        Approved the continuation of negotiations and (in the event of successful negotiations and review) the entry into a Section 75 Partnership Agreement with York and Scarborough Hospital NHS Trust under Section 75 of the National Health Services Act 2006 and to delegate to the Director of Public Health (in consultation with the Head of Procurement and the Director of Governance or their delegated officers) the authority to take such steps as are necessary to agree, award and enter the resulting agreement to commence on or before 1st July 2025;

                  v.        That in the event that the Section 75 arrangements at (d) cannot be agreed or are not viable, to delegate authority to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, to approve the carrying out of an appropriate procurement process and to delegate to the Director of Public Health (in consultation with the Head of Procurement and the Director of Governance or their delegated officers) the authority to take such steps as are necessary to procure, award and enter into the resulting contract.


Reason:     The above will secure the sexual health service and

LARC provision in the short term whilst negotiations continue to potentially enable a Section 75 partnership agreement to be agreed and put in place. The Section 75 agreement is proposed to last for up to 10 years, the requirement to ensure that this is completed in the most robust way is essential as over the lifetime of the Section 75 agreement the budget allocation will be more than £18 million. In the event of Executive approving the above recommendations officers will conduct all necessary review and procedure in accordance with the Contact Procedure Rules ("CPRs”). This will include the undertaking of a CPR 26 waiver process internally (in accordance with CPR 26.2).




6.               Air Quality Annual Status Report 2024




                   i.        Noted the contents of the report (and approve the submission of the Annual Status Report to DEFRA), including the generally improving trend in air pollution in recent years and progress made with delivery of measures in CYC’s Air Quality Action Plan.


Reason:    To ensure that the Executive is aware of current air quality position in the city including continued exceedances of objectives in some areas and progress made with air quality improvement measures.




7.               York Learning Accountability Agreement 2024/25




                   i.        Approved the Accountability Statement at the Annex to this report ahead of publication at the end of June 2024.


Reason:    For the service to receive funding to deliver against this statement we must gain agreement on contents. This agreement provides a framework for accountability whilst enabling us to receive the necessary funds to deliver the service. The document will also serve as the basis for wider internal conversations that will maximise the potential of learning for our residents.

